JKSSB Issued Recruitment Calender for 2020, Check Here
JKSSB Issued Recruitment Calender for 2020
It is notified for the information of the candidates/aspirants that the Services Selection Board had scheduled various examinations in the month of March 2020. Besides, the Board was also in the process of scheduling various other examinations for different posts advertised by it.
However, due to the COVID-19 outbreak and subsequent announcement of lockdown, the scheduled examinations were postponed. The Services Selection Board has reviewed the situation arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic and other related aspects including the measures announced by the J&K Government for re-opening/unlocking of various activities and has decided to notify the tentative schedule of examination as detailed in Annexure “A”.
The tentative schedule of examination is subject to the guidelines of the UT Government which shall be in vogue at the relevant point of time or any other instruction that may be issued relating to COVID-19.
Click on the below link for complete notifiction
CLICK HERE 👉 Download Recruitment Calendar
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