JKBOSE Releases Class 10th, 11th & 12th Exam Forms Bi-Annual Private 2022 | Check Here
Jkbose Kashmir Division Exam Form for Bi-annual, Private, Fresh Failure. Schedule for offline submission of Permission-cum-Admission Forms and Statement of Enrollments of Class 10th, 11th and 12th for Annual Private)/ Bi-Annual 2021-22 Examinations. is hereby notified for information and follow-up action of all the concerned that the notification-schedule for offline submission of the Permission-cum-Admission.
Forms and Statement of Enrollments, in favour of a). The eligible candidates of previous sessions/ others pertaining to Kashmir Division, excluding Tehsil Gurez, Keran, Karnah, Machil, Tangdar and District Kargil of Secondary School (Class 10th, Higher Secondary Part-I (Class 11h) and Higher Secondary Part-II (Class 12th) Re-appear/ failure candidates of Higher Secondary Part-II (Class 12th) Annual/Regular, 2021 pertaining to Kashmir Division, including Tehsil Gurez, Keran, Karnah, Machil Tangdar (excluding District Kargil),