From SDH Sopore to JVC Srinagar:From past 4 days, pregnant lady with dead baby in womb lying on hospital bed


Baramulla:Health professionals who boast themselves of being ‘Covid Warriors’ left a pregnant lady with a dead baby in womb on the mercy of God. After ignored in Isolation Ward at Sub-District Hospital Sopore for 6 days, now the lady is admitted in the JVC Hospital Bemina and no doctor bothers to operate her from past 4 days, given the fact, it is an emergency case while a dead baby is still in the womb of the Covid-19 infected pregnant lady who hails from Baramulla but is married to a man from Kupwara.

Pregnant lady Aamina (name changed) wife of Aashiq Hussain of Dudhwan village of North Kashmir’s Kupwara district was tested positive for Covid-19 and was admitted at SDH Sopore on 20 June this month. His family members told news agency KNT that no attention was paid towards her at SDH Sopore though she frequently complained that her baby in the womb is not showing any signs of movement.

“The doctors did USG but didn’t handover the report to us. My sister was forcibly referred to JVC SKIMS Bemina on 26 June when no attendant was present in the hospital. The doctors at SDH Sopore knew her baby has died in the womb and to get rid of her, they referred her to JVC,” Abdul Majid said.

He said they were hopeful her sister will be operated here without any delay but they were wrong.

“From past 4 days, my sister with dead baby in her womb is in the JVC Hospital Ward, but nobody bothers to attend her. Despite our repeated pleas, doctors are not ready to touch her,” he said.

The patient is current admitted in Ward 1 of bed 7.

The family blames BMO Sopore for all this mess. “BMO Sopore not only kept us in dark but also disregarded her. She was treated like an untouchable at SDH Sopore and same treatment she is getting here at JVC Hospital. My sister will catch infection and the situation will become more complicated if there will be more delay,” he said.

“On the one hand these doctors are being hailed as Corona warriors and on the other; they are ignoring and abhorring Covid-19 patients. We are poor, without any ‘sifarsih’ and that is why we are being tormented,” Ashiq Hussain, the husband of the patient said.

He said nowhere it happens that a pregnant woman with a dead baby in her womb is being made to wait for operation for days together.

When contacted, Medical Superintendent JVC SKIMS Bemina Dr Shafia Deva told KNT that they want to take out the dead baby in a normal way and to avoid the surgery they are waiting for the opportune time. KNT

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