CIK Announces 3 Lac Cash Reward Against Wanted Accused LeT Commander
Srinagar, August 24: Counter Intelligence Kashmir on Saturday announced a cash of 3 Lac reward against Pak based LeT Commander.
CIK spokesman said that in a case FIR.No.02/2024 U/S 13, 38, 39, 40 UA(P) Act,
120-B IPC of P/S CI Kashmir a Pakistan based Terrorist Commander / Handler @ Sumama @ Illyas @ Babar R/O Pakistan of LeT Outfit (a proscribed organization) is wanted by CI Kashmir in case FIR. No.02/2024 U/S 13, 38, 39, 40 UA(P) Act, 120-B IPC of P/S CI Kashmir. The said Terrorist Handler is involved in radicalizing, motivating and recruiting the potential/gullible youth of UT of J&K in to terrorist ranks through different Social Media applications, including encrypted messaging applications and is using Kashmiri netizens as Couriers for raising and passing on funds to different Terrorist organizations for carrying out terrorist acts in the valley.

According spokesman, the CI Kashmir has declared a cash reward of Rs. 3,00,000/- (3.00 Lacs) against the above Pak based Commander /Handler of proscribed terrorist organization LeT.
If any person has any information regarding the above terrorist Commander/ Handler leading to his arrest or apprehension, he may share the same on the following phone number and address and earn the required reward. (The Identity of the informer shall be kept secret), reads the statement.(GNS)