7th pay commission: Good News! These employees, salary will increase by Rs 10000 every month, check full details here

These days, the process of getting gifts to the employees of the country under the 7th Pay Commission is going on. Now the employees of SAIL have got the gift of Diwali. It has been decided to give 26.05 percent perks to all employees of SAIL (Employees Diwali Salary). Under this, more than 70 thousand employees can get benefits ranging from 6 to 10 thousand rupees every month.

According to media reports, in the recently held core group meeting of the National Joint Committee for Steel (NJCS), an agreement was reached between the management and the employees’ unions and 26.05 percent perks (salary-allowance) have been agreed. Giving information in this matter, Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS) leader Rajendra Singh said that according to the new agreement, it has been agreed to give 26.05 percent perks (salary-allowance) to all the employees of SAIL. With this, more than 70 thousand employees working in various plants and units of the country can get monthly benefit of 6 to 10 thousand rupees.

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According to media reports, the matter of salary hike of these employees was pending for a long time. Since January 1, 2017, the union was demanding a 30 percent increase, but there was no consensus between the two sides. No, SAIL’s management has also given the green signal to the demand for giving arrears to all the employees as per the new agreement from January 2020.

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