Anantnag: Ashmuqam girl shines, bags gold medal in faculty of law

Sameer Ahmad

Anantnag: 27 year old Rubi Jan, daughter of Mohd Ramzan Sofi professionally a bread maker hails from Ashmuqam area of south kashmir’s Anantnag District shines and bags gold medal in faculty of law on Special Convocation here at Kashmir university on Wednesday.

Rubi Jan, a Law student has bagged the gold medal by securing the top position among all disciplines of faculty of law at Kashmir University. Rubi, a daughter of a bread maker hails from Ashmuqam area of Anantnag District.

Rubi Jan, student of Law Batch 2013-2016 received Gold Medal for her meritorious performance in her academic studies yesterday at the Kashmir university convocation held at SKICC Srinagar.

She received the gold medal from LG Manoj Sinha in presence of other dignitaries.

The Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha said at a special convocation of the University of Kashmir on Wednesday that he is proud of girl students achieving maximum gold medals (academic).

In the first session convocation which was organized on July 27, out of the 8 gold medalists, 42 were girls while in the second session, which was organized on Wednesday, 240 girls received gold medals compared to 72 medals that went to boys.

For this amazing performance, I congratulate all the girl students of the university,” said the L-G who was the chief guest of the convocation ceremony on Wednesday.

Rubi jan is the first female of Ashmuqam area who won a gold medal in faculty of law in Kashmir university.

Teachers described Rubi Jan as a very bright student who used to take an active part in co-curricular activities of the department apart from her academics.

Their parents, mostly her father, a Bread maker, might struggle to make ends meet, but that hasn’t stopped them from encouraging their children to follow their dreams, even in the trouble-torn state of Kashmir.

Rubi, my younger sister, is an intelligent and hard working girl; we are proud of her, said her brother Sajad sofi to “Daily Uqab”. Rubi got 75 % marks in 12th class and was studying in Govt higher secondary school Ashmuqam.

Meanwhile the whole area of Ashmuqam town known as sufi town of Anantnag District is celebrating the achievement of Rubi Jan who has not only made her parents proud but also has shown that hard work pays off.(DAILY UQAB)

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