Read This If You Love Your Father


How a patient deadly in need of Oxygen denied the same

Srinagar:Can you believe it that some doctors at SKIMS forced a patient deadly in need of Oxygen to board an ambulance lacking Oxygen facility in the dead of the night.

Yes, this happened and this is true and now SKIMS Soura is saying it has fixed the responsibility whole team involved in this will face music. Family says, will the enquiry bring back the dead who died thousand times before his death in the ambulance that started its journey form SKIMS Soura to SKIMS Bemina hospital without any Oxygen facility.

“My father was in my lap, crying, chocking and looking for Oxygen. He was feeling chocked but there was no Oxygen. What I did to relax him, to turn his face towards the window of the ambulance where speedy air was hitting his face,” Athar Wani, the son of the deceased told.

Athar believes it was the Ambulance Driver who killed his father and then he will blame doctors. “As my father was put in ambulance, he was crying for Oxygen, Ambulance driver first lied that Oxygen cylinder is arriving and then suddenly despite my protest, started the vehicle giving a damn to cries of my father. Everything, as I am getting it now was preplanned.”

Narrating the incident, Athar, a resident of Matian Chogul area of North Kashmir’s Kupwara district told Kashmir News Trust that his father was a diabetic and they admitted him at SKIMS Soura on July 1 after he developed some breathing problems. “Everything was fine, his pulse rate was normal but during the intervening night of 2 and 3 July, a doctor informed me that my father will be shifted to Isolation Ward as he seems to be Corona suspect. I was waiting outside the Ward when I heard the cries of my father who was being taken outside the hospital. When I raised questions, I was told that my father is going to be referred to Covid-19 hospital JVC Bemina. In a jiffy my father was pushed into the ambulance. When I boarded the ambulance, I found another Coronavirus suspect along with five attendants.”

“Why SKIMS didn’t follow the protocol and allowed 6 attendants to travel with 2 Coronaviurs suspects in the ambulance. The reality is that SKIMS Soura simply wanted to get rid of these two patients.”

Earlier as well, SKIMS Soura refused to get a 24 year old accidental patient admitted in the hospital despite the fact 50% beds were unoccupied in the hospital. The 24 year old Abrar Reyaz died at CD Hospital. Doctors declared him Covid-19 positive though cause of his death was head injury.

“It was not a Bollywood movie but a real show. My father was in need of Oxygen and there was no Oxygen in the ambulance. And I tell you the behavior of the doctors at JVC SKIMS Bemina. They wasted half an hour asking us how you reached here and why we are travelling with Coronavirus suspects. When, I asked a doctor that my father deadly needs Oxygen, he instead of consoling, rebuked me. My father was crying and was feeling breathlessness. Keeping the ugly incident in mind I anticipated the death of my father,” Athar said.

Athar said in the morning he received a phone call wherein a doctor told him whether he is sure that his father is a Coronaviurs patient, when I said he isn’t, the doctor dropped the call.

“My father was declared dead and the cause of his death was attributed to Covid-19 infection. I am sure, he wasn’t Covid-19 patient and he died of heart attack as he didn’t get Oxygen,” Athar said.

Principal SKIMS Bemina Dr Reyaz Untoo told KNT that they did everything to save the life of the 62 year old man. “We provided him Oxygen, called anesthesia team in the middle of the night but unfortunately he didn’t survive.”

“Doctors at SKIMS Soura had informed us that they are going to refer a couple of patients with mild Covid symptoms. Doctors in my hospital didn’t waste any time but only called Soura asking them to quarantine those attendants whom they had sent along with those two patients,” Untoo said.

The incident involves a number of questions and the important one is if the patient was very sick at SKIMS Soura, why was he referred to SKIMS Bemina. Another question is why non-Covid attendants were allowed to board an ambulance carrying two Covid-19 suspects. One more important question is that why the patient for whom Oxygen was lifeline in those moments was denied the same and forcibly shifted to JVC.

When contacted, Medical Superintendent SKIMS Soura, Dr Farooq Jan said that responsibility has been fixed and the inquiry report recommends strict action against whole team that handled this patient. When asked why patient in need of Oxygen was boarded in an ambulance not having such facility, he said that is why inquiry was ordered And now responsibility has been fixed. KNT

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