PDP spokesman Dr. Harbaksh Singh inaugurates NCDC’s Free Spoken English Class
The spokesperson of Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) Jammu & Kashmir and DDC member Tral Pulwama, Dr. Harbaksh Singh inaugurated Free Zoom Online Spoken English Class, which has been started by National Child Development Council (NCDC).

As per the official statement, the Spoken English Class intiative of NCDC were actually started by its Master Trainer Baba Alexandar, who is the founder of One Word One Language Movement.
The statement reads that “Batch F1 of Free Zoom Online Spoken English Class was inaugurated few days back, in which PDP spokesman J&K, Dr. Harbaksh Singh attended as Chief Guest, and expressed his views on the said course, while delivering inaugural speech.”
During the function, the Welcome speech was presented by Veena Thulasi, while Presidential address was presented by Anu Haj Ira.
Similarly, the keynote address was presented by NCDC Master Trainer, Baba Alexander, while vote of thanks was presented by Rafeena S.