Only vaccinated individuals should undertake slaughtering, sacrificing of animals, distribution of meat: Dr M Salim Khan

Srinagar, Jul19 : In view of increase in interactions, social and religious gatherings besides other activities including slaughtering and distribution of meat on Eid-ul-Adha, the experts have shown deep concern regarding violation of Covid-19 SOPs saying it may lead to spread of Covid-19.

The experts have advised the general public to get their sacrificial animals slaughtered by those Butchers only who have got vaccinated and besides, only vaccinated members of the family should come in contact with the sacrificial animal.

Dr M Salim Khan, Professor & Head Community Medicine, GMC, Srinagar said that only vaccinated butchers should slaughter sacrificial animals as unvaccinated butchers have every chance to get infected while  visiting multiple houses to deliver their services and will thus act as a source to spread infection among other families.

Besides, he also said that only vaccinated family members should come in contact with the sacrificial animal and ensure that they follow SOPs like wear masks and maintain physical distance.

Dr M Salim advised that children should be kept away at the time of performing sacrifice of animals as children are not vaccinated yet.

He also suggested that only vaccinated persons should handle the affairs of distribution of meat to other families in the neighborhood or in relationships. This, he said, shall help to contain the spread of infection.

The Professor and Head of Community Medicine cautioned that violation of Covid guidelines by individuals who are directly related to sacrificing and distribution of meat may become the cause of the possible third covid wave.

Moreover, he said that only vaccinated individuals should visit other families and only vaccinated persons should be invited to home.

He also appealed to the general public to follow Covid SOPs strictly for the greater interest of society and safety of everyone.(GNS)

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