KU: Notifications Regarding Online Examination Forms, For MA/MSc/M.Com MPED,MBA/MBA(FM)/MCA,MTTM 1st Sem Batch,2019, 2nd Sem Batch 2018 With Backlogs Batch

Kashmir University

It is notified for information of all concerned regular candidates of M.A /M. Sc /M.Com /M. P. Ed/MCA/MBA/ MBA (FM)/MTTM / M. Sc IT 1st semester (CBCS) batch, 2019 and backlog (Batch 2015-2018) that the date for submission of online examination form has been extended upto 31-05-2020 and shall remain available on the University Web site egov.uok.edu.in/econduct .

It is notified for information of all concerned candidates who have already opted their Core/DCE/OE/GE Course through Departments /Centres/Institutions/ Satellite Campuses that the online submission and downloading of examination forms/fee receipts for regular M.A /M.Sc /M.Com / M. P. Ed/MCA/MBA/ MBA (FM)/MTTM / M. Sc IT 2nd semester (CBCS) batch, 2018 shall remain available on the University Web site egov.uok.edu.in/econduct as per the schedule given below

It is notified for information of backlog candidates of M.A /M. Sc /M.Com 3rd /4th semester(Regular Mode-CBCS) batch (2015-2017) who have approached the concerned Departments /Centres/Institutions/ Satellite Campuses for conduct of their supplementary examination (last two semesters) that online examination forms/fee receipts for submission shall remain available on the University Web site egov.uok.edu.in/econduct as per the schedule given below

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