JKBOSE: J&K State Open School Prospectus 2023-24- Download PDF Here

Read Carefully: Learner’s Responsibilities at a Glance:

  • i. Do not fill up the Application Forms for admission without careful reading of the instructions.
  • ii. Do not leave any column blank in the Application Form for admission.
  • iii. Do not submit Application Form for admission without the supporting documents.
  • iv. Do not pay extra amount for admission and examination over and above the prescribed fee as mentioned in the Application Form for admission to anyone.
  • v. Do not miss out the Personal Contact Programmes (PCPS) in each subject which all Accredited Institutions have to provide on compulsory basis.
  • vi. Do not forget to submit at least one TMA(Tutor/teacher marked assignment) in each subject (Wherever applicable) as you may be debarred from the public Examination and/or your result may be declared as “INCOMPLETE”.

Objectives of J&K State Open School (JKSOS)

The basic aim is to provide an alternative system of education to the dropout children, who have missed the benefits of formal schooling.

Other Objectives

 To provide sound, relevant education at the school stage through open learning system such as distance education and correspondence courses to the prioritized groups.

To provide opportunities to dropout children at the school stage to join the main stream of education and to equip them with the competencies and qualification necessary to become competent and successful citizens.

To identify and promote standards of learning in the distance education system and open school system which will maintain standards of equivalence (minimum learning outcome) with the formal system of education while retaining its own distinct character.

It is thus envisaged that the attainment of these aims and objectives will in turn enable the JK State Open School to make its own share of contribution to:-

  • o UEE
  • o Evolution of Learning Society
  • o Raise the competence of Indian citizens though internal transformation.

Why Open Schooling?

The Open and Distance Education is a new paradigm with some elements of shift as:-

  • a. From class room to anywhere.
  • b. From teacher Centric to learner centric.
  • c. From teacher as an instructor to teacher as a facilitator.
  • d. From mainly oral instruction to technology aided instruction.
  • e. From fixed time to any time learning.
  • f. From “You learn what we offer” To “We offer what you want to learn”.
  • g. From education as one time activity to education as life long activity

JKSOS Prospectus 2023-24: Download PDF Here


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