J&K Govt Orders 54 Headmasters To Look After Charge as ZEOs

School Education Department of Jammu and Kashmir Ordered Assigning of look-after charge of Zonal Education Officers & equivalent to Headmasters.

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According to a government, in view of academic exigencies, following Headmasters are hereby assigned the look-after charge of Zonal Education Officers & equivalent, In the interest of administration, with immediate effect till the posts are filled up on regular basis by DPC/PSC:


The above assignment is subject to the following conditions:

  • 1. The officers shall report to the concerned Chief Education Officers within 10 days from the date of issuance of this order and in case of failure to join within the stipulated period, his/her assignment shall be deemed to have been cancelled ab-initio without any further notice.
  • 2. It shall not confer any preferential claim or right to the official for seeking regularization/confirmation which shall be considered strictly as per set procedure and clearance by JKPSC/DPC
  • 3. It shall be subject to the outcome of writ petition(s), if any, pending before any Court(s) of law.
  • 4. The Officers shall submit an undertaking to the concerned CEO stating therein that in case his/her service particulars/academic credentials / B.Ed Degrees are found fake/forged/tampered or issued by an unrecognised university, his /her assignment shall be deemed to have been cancelled ab-initio.
  • 5. The assignment is purely temporary and in the interest of administration these officers can be transferred at any point of time, for which no officer shall have right to claim.

It is further ordered that the officers assigned the look-after charge of ZEO’s & Sr. Headmasters shall exercise Drawing & Disbursing Powers in addition to Administrative powers.

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Besides, transfers and postings of following Zonal Education Officers are also ordered with immediate effect:

  • Sh. Gh. Qasim Mir, look-after ZEO Uri is transferred and posted as look-after ZEO Nehalpora Baramulla.
  • Sh. Kasturi Lal, look-after ZEO Armas is transferred and posted as look-after ZEO Marh Jammu.
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