Jamiat Ulama issues ‘halal’ certificate to Patanjali products
Hyderabad: Expressing concerns over the reports that Jamiat Ulama-i-hind has issued ‘halal’ (permitted) certificate to the products of Patanjali _ a company owned by Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev, Nawab Mohammed Kazim Ali Khan, National President Ambedkar National Congress has asked General Secretary Maulana Mahmood Asad Madani to issue clarification in this connection.
In view of the fact that Baba Ramdev is famous for using cow urine in his products and he also advocates its use, the report has triggered restiveness among the Muslims of the country.
After propagating about Yoga, Baba Ramdev began trade of ayurvedic medicines, cosmetics and other essential items.
Mohammed Kazim Ali said, there is no doubt that cow urine is used in most of the ayurvedic medicines to preserve them, while honey and ghee are used for the same purpose in Unani medicines. He further added that cow urine is ‘haram’ (forbidden) in Islam and Darul Uloom Deoband had issued fatwa in this regard.
Being a respected organisation of Muslims, it is shocking that Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind has issued halal certificate to Patanjali products, Kazim Ali wondered.
Maulana Mahmood Madani must clarify as to why and in what circumstances he has issued halal certificate and under whose pressure he had to issue such certificate? Muslims are reeling under the feeling of remorse due to this move by Jamiat Ulama, Kazim Ali lamented.
Baba Ram Dev says his company prepares nearly 800 products, while cow urine is used in only 5 products out of them; but the fact is cow urine is compulsorily used in almost all ayurvedic medicines, be they in any form, claimed Kazim Ali.
He said, according to Ayurvedic experts, besides cosmetics, use of cow urine is compulsory in medicines of diabetes, blood pressure, psoriasis, eczema, heart attack, blocking of veins, epilepsy, cancer, Aids, arthritis, headache, thyroid, cysts, acidity, constipation, gynic problems.
Baba Ramdev himself had written on his Facebook page that “The pH value of cow urine is 8-10 so it is a sure shot medicine for indigestion. Cow urine is anti-neoplastic which helps to cure cancer.”
Source:Saisat News