Important instructions for UPSC civil services prelims 2020 candidates
INDIA: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will conduct the civil services preliminary examination 2020 on Sunday, October 4, 2020, at 2569 centres across 72 cities in the country.
This year, a total of over 10.58 lakh candidates have applied for the UPSC Prelims examination.
In view of the coronavirus pandemic, the commission had released guidelines for candidates to follow on the day of the examination.
- The commission has made wearing masks compulsory for the prelims examination. “Candidates without mask/ face cover will not be allowed entry into the venue,” reads the notice containing the guidelines.
- Candidates are advised to bring a copy of their admit card to their respective examination centre or else they won’t be allowed to appear in the examination.
- Candidates are also advised to bring Black Ball Point Pen as the candidates shall be required to fill the OMR answer sheets and attendance list with Black Ball Point Pen only.
- “Candidates are allowed to bring their own hand sanitizer in transparent bottles. Besides above, candidates have to follow COVID 19 norms of ‘social distancing’ as well as ‘personal hygiene’ inside the Examination Halls/Rooms as well as in the premises of the Venue,” further reads the guidelines.
- Mobile phones are not permitted inside the examination centre.
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