Govt to credit uniform charges into bank accounts of Class-I to VIII students | Details Here

Srinagar, Oct 01: The government Friday said that it will credit uniform charges into the bank accounts of eligible students of class I to VIII under the Right to Education (RtE) act.

Principal Secretary to the government for School Education Department (SED) B K Singh said, “Sanction is accorded to the transfer of funds on account of uniform charges into the bank account of students or the parents with Rs 600 per eligible student through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) mode for the financial year 2020-21 as per the guidelines of Samagra Shiksha.”

Stating the eligibility of the students, the government said, “All girls, Schedule Caste (SC), Schedule Tribe (ST) and Below Poverty Level (BPL) boys of class I-VIII are eligible for it.”

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Earlier, in the month of August, the government has said that in order to ensure uniformity and quality of uniforms to be purchased by parents for their eligible children, all girls, students of Schedule Caste (SC), Schedule Tribe (ST) and Below Poverty Level (BPL) boys of class I-VIII are eligible to enjoy the perks.

Singh said, “Director of School Education of Jammu and Kashmir regions shall ensure that funds on account of uniform charges are transferred immediately while Chief Education Officers (CEOs), Zonal Education Officers (ZEOs) and Head of Institutions (HoI) shall monitor the activity and ensure that the laid down norms are adhered to.”(Rising Kashmir)

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