CBSE Class 10th & 12th Results Term 1


Central Board Of School Education (CBSE)Term 1 Exam 2022: The wait of lakh of students are likely to end very soon as board is expected to release class 10th & 12th term 1 result 2022 this week on the official website and students will be provided information regarding it officially. However, as per some media reports, that CBSE class 10th and 12th results term 1 expected to be out from february 17 to february 20

Earlier, a CBSE official told Careers360 that “There’s a possibility of announcing the CBSE term 1 results for both Classes 10, 12 this week. The board will announce the result date, once confirmed”.

Replying to a query on when classes 10 and 12 results will be declared, board’s spokesperson Rama Sharma recently said, “will let you all know when confirmed”. The actual date of result is expected to be announced about a day prior, if not more.

Meanwhile, the board’s Controller of Examinations Sanyam Bhardwaj informed on Wednesday, February 9. Candidates must note that the CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 term 1 result will not be published as pass, fail or essential repeat. The final result will be announced after term 2 board exams.

Websites for CBSE term 1 results are:

How to Check by official website Term 1 Result 2022?

Step 1: Visit the official website of CBSE

Step 2: On your system screen, the home page will display.

Step 3: To check your class 10th result, go to the CBSE Class 10th Term 1 Result page and click on the link.

Step 4: Click on the link for CBSE Class 12th Term 1 result if students wish to check their class 12th results.

Step 5: You will be sent to the result page, where you must enter the correct Roll Number, School Number, and Date of Birth.

Step 6: Fill out the form with accurate information and submit it.

Step 7: On your computer screen, the CBSE Term 1 Result 2022 will appear. Download the CBSE Term 1 Result 2022 for future reference.

Students can also check their term 1 result on UMANG App (Unified Mobile Application for New-age Governance). They can download the app from Google PlayStore as well as App Store (iOS).

How To Check or Download CBSE 10 and 12 Marksheet of Term 1 Result from DigiLocker App?

Step 1 – Go to PlayStore or App store on a smartphone.

Step 2 – Download the DigiLocker app.

Step 3 – Login with a mobile number registered with CBSE.

Step 4 – Go to the education section and select “Class 10 passing certificate and Class 10 mark sheet” or “Class 12 passing certificate and Class 12 mark sheet”.

Step 5 – In the login space, enter year, name, and roll number.

Step 6 – The CBSE term 1 mark sheet will appear on the screen.

To check CBSE term 1 results, Class 10, 12 students should keep these information ready:

  1. Roll number
  2. School number
  3. Date of birth
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