CBSE Class 10th, 12th Result To Be Declared – Results Direct Link Available
CBSE Class 10, 12 Results 2022: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is yet to announce the result of the 10th and 12th term 2 examination. Over 35 lakhs students are eagerly waiting for their final CBSE board class 10 and 12 results. As per the official comment, the evaluation process is going as per schedule and students will soon be notified about their results.
CBSE 10th result 2022 delayed,
The Central Board of Secondary Education, was expected to declare the class 10th result 2022 , on 4th July, 2022. Later CBSE’s controller office confirmed that the result is not going to be declared on 04 july.
CBSE 10th 12th Results 2022:
According to some media reports that class 10th result was expected to be released on 04 july while, 12th class result by july 10. However, a senior board official has confirmed that the CBSE term 2, 10 and 12 results will not be declared on these dates. He further added that the CBSE 10, 12 result 2022 will be released by the next week or end of July 2022. As soon as the CBSE class 10th, 12th term 2 result 2022 will be announced, the students will be notified.
On conditions of anonymity, a CBSE Officials from one of the regional offices shared that the result date would be finalized soon. “Assessment process is still underway. There is slim chance of result releasing this week. I would think the result should be released around July 15,” he shared.
Once released students can check their results on the official websites of CBSE – and or Download this Application: APPLICATION LINK HERE You will Get Instant Notification On Your Mobile Screen When Result Declared.
CBSE 10th, 12th result 2022: Login credentials to download marks sheet
- Board exam roll number
- School code/number
- Date of birth in DD/MM/YYYY format.
Step by Step Guide to Download CBSE Term 2 Marksheet and Scorecard
- Visit the official website
- On the homepage, click on the link that reads, “CBSE Term 2 Class 12 Result, or CBSE Term 2 Class 10 Result 2022.”
- Enter the login credentials such as your roll number.
- Your CBSE Term 2 Result will be displayed on the screen.
- Download the CBSE Term 2 Scorecard and mark sheet on the screen.
- Take a printout of it for future reference.
Websites to Check CBSE Term 2 Result
The students would also be able to check their CBSE 10th class result 2022 through SMS or mobile service app Digi locker to avoid the delay due to heavy traffic on the websites.
CBSE 10th 12th Result 2022 – How to check CBSE Result on DigiLocker
- Visit the official website – or the official Mobile App
- Enter your login details such as Aadhar Number, etc.
- On the homepage, click on the folder for Central Board of Secondary Education
- Now click on the file which reads ‘CBSE Term 2 Results for Class 10, 12
- Your provisional marksheet will be displayed on the screen
- Download and save the PDF for future references
How to check CBSE Result via SMS
- Open the SMS app on your phone
- Type the message – cbse10 or 12< space > roll number
- Send the text to 7738299899
- Your CBSE 10th, 12th Result 2022 would be sent to you through SMS.