CBSE, CISCE Class 10, 12 term 2 Examination Dates, Sample Papers And Other updates
Term 2 CBSE Date Sheet 2022 is expected to be released soon on the official website of the board. The board has successfully conducted CBSE 10th &12th board exams 2021-22 for Term 1, So There are less chances of term 2 board examination getting cancelled in this year, Health experts had earlier mentioned that the third wave is under control and might conduct Term 2 CBSE board exams 2022 in March & April. As of now, there is no official confirmation of the term 2 exams for the academic session
Once the CBSE term 2 date sheet is released, students will be able to check the date sheet on the official website-
Some reports are also saying that the term 2 datesheet will be released after releasing the CBSE Class 10 and 12 term 1 results.
The exam will be held for a duration of two hours. CBSE has also released term 2 sample papers on the official website-
The CISCE board is expected to release the Class 12 and 10 semester 2 date sheet by February. The semester 2 exams are expected to be held in March or April. Some reports are also saying that the board will update on the semester 2 examination after declaring the results of semester 1
The syllabus has been reduced due to the pandemic, which is divided into parts. It is also expected that semester 2 will be held online mode depending upon the ongoing situation.
Recently CBSE has released a circular and warned students against fake news about major exam pattern changes in Term 2 CBSE 10th & 12th board exams 2022.

Several students have taken to social media voicing their demands for the cancelation of the term 2 board exams 2022. Here are Some Tweets
I think that Government should not take risk on students life and should cancel the board exam.
They have already taken a objective exam so I don't think it's more necessary than our lives.#cancelboardexams2022 #cancelboardpariksha #CBSE #cancelboardexam2022 share this to all.— Aman Dwivedi (@AmanDwi52144266) January 17, 2022
@cbseindia29 I know this Tweet will likely be unaddressed, but I as well as most of the students under CBSE schools insist that you cancel the second term exams scheduled to be conducted this year. If not a cancellation, conduct an online exam. Thank you. #cancelboardpariksha
— Komyh1 (@microvighnn) January 17, 2022
@cbseindia29 You already ran us over with that Term 1 exam shitshow Now please don't ruin our preparation for term 2 by announcing the results now At least listen to our this request Please I am begging#CBSE #results #cbseterm1 #CBSENews #cbseforstudents #CBSEResult #CBSEResults
— Vishnu (@Vishnun42652805) January 13, 2022
What is actually happening:
#CBSE #CBSEBoardExams2022 #cbseterm1 #cbseterm2 #cbseforstudents #CBSEResults
— Merlot (@Piyu_stay) January 25, 2022
#Cbse don't release term 1 results now
because it will affect the preperation for term 2 already it is tough to cover half syllabus in 1 months. We know you don't even consider our pleas but it is necessary— Jaisri R (@r_jaisri) January 23, 2022