Bride Dies of Heart Attack During Final Ceremony of Pheras, Groom Marries Her Sister

UP: An unexpected and bizarre incident took place in Uttar Pradesh’s Etawah district, It all happened when the couple was preparing for the final ceremony of ‘pheras’ after exchanging garlands and other ceremonies. Just then, the bride Surabhi suddenly fell unconscious beside Manjesh Kumar, the groom. A doctor was called in who declared her dead

The doctor said she died from a cardiac arrest. The sudden death of the bride created a ruckus in the house. But in the meantime, with the mutual consent of both the parties, a marriage proposal was proposed in front of the bride’s younger sister Nisha.

Surabhi’s body was kept in another room and the marriage of Manjesh was solemnized with Nisha. After the wedding, when the ‘baraat’ left, Surabhi’s last rites were held,”

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Surabhi’s uncle Ajab Singh, said, “It was a tough call for our family. One daughter lay dead in one room and the wedding of another daughter was being solemnized in the other room. We have never witnessed such mixed emotions. The grief over her death and the happiness of the wedding has yet to sink in,” he said.

(With Inputs From Agencies)

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