JK High Court Recruitment 2023- 24 | Apply For Various Reader Posts
The High Court of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh has released Advertisement notice for the posts of Readers (Direct quota) (Gazetted).
Online applications are invited from the eligible candidates for participating in the selection process for the post of Reader as mentioned in the Notification.
High Court J&K Recruitment 2023- 24 – Important Dates
- Date of Commencement for submission of online applications : 15.12.2023
- Last Date for submission of. online applications : 30.12.2023
- Last date for submission of online fee : 30.12.2023
High Court J&K Recruitment 2023- 24 | Vacancy Details and Qualification Eligibility

Candidates are domiciles of UT of Jammu and Kashmir in terms of s.o. 166 dated 18.05.2020, issued by GAD, Government of Jammu and Kashmir and those who are residents of UT of Ladakh for a period of not less than 15 years before the date of applying and are actually residing in the area.
Age Limits
Candidates are having age as on 01.01.2023:
- Not below 18 years
- Not above 40 years in the case of Open Merit.
- 43 years in case of ST/ALC & IB/EWS/PSP candidates
- 42 years in the case of Physically Challenged candidates
- 48 years in the case of Ex-servicemen
- 40 years in the case of candidates in Government Service/Contractual employees.
Application Fees
- deposited fee of Rs. 500/-.
The criteria for making selection to the post of Reader in the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir under 70% direct recruitment quota shall be as follows:
Written Test.
There shall be an objective type written test comprising of 85 questions, each question carrying one mark. The duration of the written test shall be of 90 minutes.
Interview [Viva-Voce.
There shall be viva-voce of 15 marks. The candidates will be called for interview/viva-voce on merit on the basis of their performance in the written examination in the ratio of 1:5.
Official Notification: DOWNLOAD HERE
Official Website: CLICK HERE